Wagner Flexio 890 HVLP Paint Station Review

Wagner Flexio 890


wagner flexio 890 review
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  • Affordable
  • No compressor needed
  • 1 year warranty
  • Comes with 2 nozzles

Will the Wagner Flexio 890 HVLP Paint Station be able to stand up to the value proposition we’ve been promised?

When a product says that it can help you paint a wall that is 8 feet by 10 feet in size in just 5 minutes, then it has our attention.

Many sprayer manufacturers have lofty claims about their equipment and let’s just be honest: most of them fail miserably unless you’re painting under very specific conditions.

Let’s find out.

How do I Use my Wagner Flexio 890?

Wagner Flexio 890 Prep Time

About 30 minutes. Our experience is that if you’re painting indoors, it pays to take your time when masking off.

You just can’t compromise on the price of your tape, your tarp, and your plastic sheeting. Why? Because many paint stations like this one tend to have enough of an exhaust output where your masking can literally be blown off the walls.  You’ll be left with a major mess.

We masked off one door frame, bottom trim around the room, three outlets, one overhead fixture, and the floor. 

Painting Time

About 10 minutes. To be fair, our wall was a little larger than 8×10 feet in length. We also had a bit of an early learning curve on the equipment which extended the time a little bit.

When you’re first getting started, if you want to paint an entire room, we’d recommend that you give yourself about an hour to complete the work on your first try.

Once you get the hang of it, you might be able to hit the 5 minutes per wall time mark if you keep your spray even and consistent. 

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Cleanup Time with the Flexio 890

45 minutes. This was the area of biggest disappointment for us. Any time you take a break of any length, you really do need to clean the Wagner Flexio 890.

Even if your break is just 15 minutes in length to grab a quick snack or use the bathroom, if you try to paint afterward, you will find some difficulties in getting started.

You must be thorough in cleaning this equipment since the tools are designed to have no wearable parts in them to have the power settings work accurately. 

No compressor needed
Use indoors or outdoors
Handles a Ton of Materials
Comes with 2 nozzles
Adjustable volume flow dial
Many spray fan widths
Lightweight at 12 pounds

Uses more paint than other models
Cleaning is a chore
Hose only 11.5 feet

Paint Cost

About Double. We found that this Wagner Sprayer would take about 2 gallons of paint to cover a wall when compared to similar rolling or brushing work. Remember that the extra paint has to go somewhere and not all of it is going to be on your wall.

Excessive atomization of the paint is reduced because of the HVLP design, but there is still a paint pollution issue that must be addressed if you’re painting a full room. 

Pro Tip for the Wagner Flexio 890 Paint Sprayer

The canister assembly is a bit fragile at the point where it locks onto the trigger assembly with this particular Wagner Sprayer. Take a little extra care when you’re connecting these two components to avoid unintentional damage. 

The end result is a paint station which offers users a very balanced tool that can help you paint indoors or outside with relative ease.


If you don’t like to paint or you have a fairly large project which needs to be completed, then the Wagner Flexio 890 HVLP Paint Station can make the job go by rather quickly.

You might not be able to paint a wall in just 5 minutes with this machine, but compared to brushing the wall or using a roller, you’ll still wind up coming out ahead.